“Movement is life; life without movement is unthinkable.” – Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais
Daily movement is one of the secrets to The Blue Zones, the areas of the world where people regularly age into their 90’s and 100’s without the same rates of chronic disease. But guess what. They don’t go to a gym.
You may think aging naturally comes with chronic aches and pains, the inability to move like you did when you were 20, and falls that end in fractures. Good news – it doesn’t. The reason issues like the ones mentioned above are so commonly associated with aging is usually because we stop moving.
The purpose of this article is to inspire you to think differently about movement. Running on a treadmill and lifting weights are great ways to move. But your version of daily movement may be different. The only important thing is that you move!
Sometimes, my daily movement is taking a walk. Sometimes it’s stretching or doing yoga poses in bed before my feet even hit the floor. Twice a week I try to do traditional exercise in the form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT – the workout you can do with just your body in only 20 minutes!). Given my passion for dancing, my primary form of exercise, sometimes my daily movement is dancing around my apartment for 20-30 minutes. And guess what – all of these things count!
Stay tuned, as I plan to release more information (including FREE movement routines!) on all facets of movement, including the importance of addressing your lymphatic system and fascia, the differences between heart, muscle, and bone strength, and exposure to my favorites – Feldenkrais, yoga, dance, HIIT, and outdoor activities! For now, enjoy this introductory explanation of Feldenkrais, a way to learn to move better. Or, get right to it with this FREE Feldenkrais lesson on learning how to improve the function of rotation (think golf swing, turning around in your car, or so many of the yoga poses that involve .